Great Falls Senior Photographer | Help! I Have a Senior Boy!

Chances are if you are raising a boy, you haven’t caught him taking selfies, posing in front of a mirror, running to jump into group photos…you get what I’m saying. More often than not, guys just aren’t too into the camera. And in my family, that rings true unless there is a dead animal right next to them.

But as a mom, you still have the right to ask for some senior pictures…can I get an “amen”?! I hear you, mama. I will be battling this request with my son in a few years, too. But I know it will be worth it. So battle, I will.

“But they are so awkward in front of a camera!” I got this, don’t you worry. If you are a boy mom, I want you to rest easy that we can still deliver on some awesome senior guy photos. And you can tell your son they are going to be fairly painless, too! Take a look below….

senior photographer in Great Falls, MT

I am known to work pretty quickly, which leaves less time for your boy to get too annoyed during the session :) And as for posing, if he can follow some pretty easy commands…we are golden and we’re going to get those awesome, candid images you will have to remember this time forever. I promise that it will be that easy.

“But what about clothing?! He wears gym shorts and a t-shirt most of his days, and maybe he’ll dress it up every once and a while with a ball cap!” Okay - so fortunately I have this cool program called Style & Select which will coordinate outfits for you after you input his age, style, and choose a color combo. You can even shop directly from those results links if you are in a hurry, or you can use your results for some ideas. Either way, I recommend at least 3 different outfits - one to include a button-up shirt, one that is more casual (think flannel, jeans, t-shirt), and one that might represent who he is (a jersey, a class t-shirt, etc.).

Regardless, when it comes to clothing, I am always available for input so please text me your ideas! I’m happy to weigh in and let you know what might look great in front of the camera.

I’ll let you take a look below for some other examples from two of my senior boy shoots, but the main thing you need to know is that it IS possible to get your son through senior pictures! I am now booking for the Class of 2022, so give me a call if you want one of my senior spots!

great falls photographer
senior photos in Great Falls, MT